Plas y Brenin


The Mountain Training Trust is responsible for managing Plas y Brenin, the National Outdoor Centre situated in the heart of Snowdonia.

As well as running courses and events to enable people of all abilities to take part in a variety of outdoor activities, Plas y Brenin trains, qualifies and sets the standards for the outdoor leaders who make life-changing outdoor experiences enjoyable and safe. We train the trainers, who then go out into the world and inspire others to get outside and be more active. In fact, over 370 leaders, coaches and instructors are trained as Plas y Brenin each year, having an impact on approximately 81,000 individuals.

Plas y Brenin has existed since 1955, with many people passing through this iconic centre – not only discovering the outdoors but also discovering themselves. We are proud of what we do here, but we need to do more. We need to ensure that Plas y Brenin continues to thrive well into the future, with the Mountain Training Trust as its custodian. We need to ensure that people continue to have access to life-changing opportunities and that exceptional outdoor leaders and coaches continue to be trained and qualified to go out into the wider world and help us to realise our vision.

We cannot do this without your support.

Visit the Plas y Brenin website