Our History


We’re probably best known for operating the iconic and world-renowned Plas y Brenin, a centre that is regarded by many as the spiritual home of British mountaineering and is frequently acknowledged as the ‘gold standard’ provider in training, developing and assessing leaders, coaches and instructors in adventure sport. We’re proud to play our part in this, managing the centre on behalf of its owners, Sport England.

Until 1996, Plas y Brenin was managed from London, with the staff employed by the Sports Council.  In 1996 the GB Sports Council decided to contract out the management and operation of Plas y Brenin and sought, by a tender process, to appoint a contractor. This resulted in our formation, with the charity, Mountain Training Trust (MTT), and our trading subsidiary, Mountain Training Limited (MTL) set up by our three founding bodies: The British Mountaineering Council, Mountain Training UK and Mountain Training England.

The Mountain Training Trust was born.

Until now, the majority of our income has come from the sale of courses at Plas y Brenin, and a generous annual grant from Sport England.  This allows us to operate Plas y Brenin, but for us to truly make a difference we need to do more.  For us to continue to change the lives of those who walk through our door, and for us to widen access and open up opportunities to even more people regardless of their background or circumstances, we need the support of people like you.

In September 2019, our first Head of Fundraising joined the team and the next, exciting phase of the Mountain Training Trust began.

Now you have the opportunity to be part of our story. 


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