We're looking for volunteers to join our Board of Trustees and help play a key role shaping outdoor education in the UK.
Join the Mountain Training Trust (MTT) and Mountain Training Ltd (MTL) in leading the work of Plas y Brenin, the National Outdoor Centre.
We are currently seeking applications to join us as a trustee, a board member or a co-optee. These voluntary positions will see you playing a key role in helping us continue to shape outdoor education across the United Kingdom and beyond.
The Mountain Training Trust is responsible for running a wide range of learning programmes for individuals, businesses and organisations. It is best known for running Plas y Brenin, a centre of sporting excellence and one of the UK’s leading providers of qualifications and skills-based courses. Plas y Brenin has been at the forefront of outdoor leadership, training and exploration for over 65 years. We are proud that we have been its custodian since 1997 when we were successful in winning the contract to manage Plas y Brenin on behalf of Sport England. Since then, we have built up a unique reputation for providing world-class instruction and offering amazing experiences. Our incredible location means the Trust can run a year-round programme of skill development, training and assessment in a range of mountain sports including walking, climbing, mountaineering, paddle sports and mountain biking.
Our trustees are the Non-Executive Directors of the Trust and make up the Governing Board of the Trust. They are responsible for the overall governance and strategy of the Mountain Training Trust. Our articles of association and our charitable objects govern our conduct. We are both a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity so some of what we do is set out by others. One of our main stakeholders is Sport England, who own Plas y Brenin, and with whom we have an important contract to develop inspiring coaches, instructors and leaders in adventure sport as well as helping to nurture skills and confidence for independent adventures.
We have three shareholders who are the founding organisations of the Trust – the British Mountaineering Council, Mountain Training (UK&I) and Mountain Training (England). These three organisations each nominate a board member for MTT. Board membership currently stands at 11 places. We are always looking ahead as terms of office come to an end and sometimes use co-opting people either to committees or boards as a way of ensuring a smooth transition. We also use co-opting members to bring additional skills to support our work.
Due to the level of responsibility of our trustees, there is a commitment to attend four board meetings a year as well as to sit on a committee or our commercial board. These meet between two and four times a year. Often meetings happen remotely – most committees meet remotely and boards tend to meet remotely about half of the time. There are one or two days of board development activity a year which are always the day before a board meeting and usually in person which requires an overnight stay for most people. If meetings are held in Plas y Brenin then accommodation is provided before and after meetings for trustees who want it. The Trust also occasionally holds meetings off-site. Including preparation time, the average trustee spends about 10 to 12 days a year working for the Mountain Training Trust. Some may do more when supporting particular projects or if they are chairing a committee. The board normally meets on a Friday. This is a voluntary position with reasonable expenses being paid.
There is also the opportunity to join the Board of Mountain Training Ltd which is the wholly owned commercial arm of MTT. It meets twice a year and its members also join in development days and some joint planning activities. It has a clear remit to lead on non-charitable business activities. We also welcome people who would be interested in being co-opted to a committee either because they have a particular interest in that work or because they see it as a way of gaining experience in board work. Co-optees fully participate in strategic development and training activities.
MTT and MTL have a clear conflict of interest policy and asks all members to declare such interests and to keep their information up to date. Having a conflict of interest does not necessarily bar you from being a board member. MTT, as a charitable trust requires all board members to act in the Trust’s best interests, manage our resources responsibly, act with reasonable care and skill, implement appropriate financial controls and manage risks.
You cannot be a trustee if you are disqualified under the Charities Act, including if you:
You need to have empathy with the charitable objectives of MTT and an understanding of how learning about the outdoors can change lives. The Trust needs a wide range of skills on its boards and committees to deal with the breadth of its business interests. Currently, we are particularly interested in those who have experience and expertise in:
However, this is not a definitive list and other skills sets are welcome.
Wider skills required include: –
The Mountain Training Trust is an equal opportunities employer. It welcomes applications from all regardless of ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion/belief or age. We are committed to having at least a third of our board membership being female. The Mountain Training Trust is a charity based in Wales: as such, the ability to communicate in both Welsh and English would be considered desirable.
Download our Trustee Recruitment Pack below.
Trustee Recruitment PackIf you are interested in joining MTT or MTL (voluntary role) please submit a CV together with a covering letter expressing why you are interested in the role and outlining any specific skills and competencies you could bring to the Boards. You should include details of two referees (who will only be contacted if selected).
Applications should be marked private and confidential and sent by email to our Board Secretary, Sandie McBennett (sandie.mcbennett@mountaintrainingtrust.org)
The closing date is midnight on 30th April 2022. Discussions with shortlisted candidates will be held in May & June 2022.